The Retrogrades
"There is a period of life when we go back as we advance."
Jean Jacques Rousseau

We’re 2 weeks out from the Summer Solstice and as we prepare for the glorious hot days ahead, we must pay homage to the season of Retrograde.
When the term retrograde is mentioned more than a few eyes roll, and thoughts of Mercury and what type of bad luck awaits prevail. Retrograde isn’t a term most people understand or like, but when looked at with the proper perspective retrogrades set us up to excel forward.
The term retrograde is defined as the apparent motion of a planet in a direction opposite of the other bodies within its system, as observed from a particular vantage point. (Wikepedia, Apparent Retogtrade Motion)
When the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) are retrograde because Earths orbit is shorter, at some point we “catch up” and then pass said planet. When the inner planets retrograde (Mercury and Venus) they are moving faster then us! Think about when you catch up to and pass a car on a highway- the car isn’t really going backwards, you’re just moving faster than the car is.
Retrograde in essence is an illusion. The planets aren’t really moving backwards, they're just moving in the same direction at different speeds. During this time, if and when things in your life start to get wonky, it doesn’t automatically equal bad.
In Hinduh astrology Vakri Grahas is the term used for retrograde.
“Vakri Grahas or retrograde planets do not always produce bad results. They impel reconsideration of functions associated with them.” (Wikepedia, Vakri Grahas)
In other words, retrograde is a time period of reconsideration, reflection, and revision as it pertains to particular areas in your life. Currently there are three planets in retrograde motion - Pluto, Saturn, Mercury. In the next few weeks Jupiter and Nepune will join the party. Mercury will enter retrograde for a second time in September with Venus retrograding to end out the year into 2022. The functions of these planets and what they represent are areas in our life that should be up for review. Bonus points if these planets are in your birth chart.

2021’s retrograde calendar offers an opportunity for incredible growth inside and out. Retrogrades are nothing to be scared of, and they are nothing to ignore. In order to grow personally and see the things you love continue to grow and succeed, one must always pause and revise the areas of their internal world.
Retrograde season isn’t a setback but a setup for success.
The real work of life is not the 9-to-5 job that you pledge your hours to but the time spent tending to the garden of your spiritual life.
During retrograde season that's what truly is up for review.
As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man.
Proverbs 27:19