New Moon In Aries
Fight For Your Dreams

“Aries season is one of the most fertile times of the year for planting seeds. Ruled by red-hot Mars, Aries energy fires up passion and gives you the courage to compete, even fight, for your dreams.”
It’s the first new moon of the new year, and with every first, the seeds planted during this time frame are lasting and quite possibly matter most.
April is such an interesting month - I’ve grown to appreciate it the older I get. It’s a transition month. A time when the days are noticeably longer, the temperatures are beginning to stay warmer, and the rain/sun combo work together to help the flowers and trees who are fighting to be on time for their grand entrance. Every day I see a little more growth and the things that were barren only a few weeks ago are blooming.
Just like nature I am growing a garden that takes root in the spiritual realm, which then produces results in the physical. My thoughts take form in words (dreams, goals or fears), and my words are the seeds that get planted. Once planted my actions and words (of encouragement or doubt) aid the seeds to become what they may.
Proverbs 12:14 explains this concept further:
From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things,
and the work of their hands brings them reward.

During this New moon we should plant with words the good things we want to see grow. Our subsequent actions will bring forth the reward.
I'm reminded of the time when my daughter who is now 19 went through a brief phase of lying -she was in middle school at the time. I'm pretty lenient about most things, but lying is one of the few that’s a hard no. I didn’t want that trait anywhere in my child. I had to figure out how to cultivate in her the confidence to tell the truth...and I had to do it fast. I started to hold her accountable for the lies she told. I also had to hold myself accountable in staying consistent and practicing what I preached. By holding both of us accountable, and when it called for it, grounding her from things she really wanted to do, she learned the lesson quickly.
Once she became comfortable telling me the truth I had to exercise compassion and patience in order to encourage growth and consistency in truth telling. If I couldn’t control my emotions and be empathetic when she was opening up I would shut her down, and the whole process would have to start over.
I stuck to the formula, and now that she’s 19 I never have to question what she's doing. She tells me most everything and is free to come and go as she pleases. I trust her. Not only that it’s opened ME up to be accepting of the truth in my other relationships which has made them much stronger.
Aries Season - Dive in Head First
Aries has the capacity of making things happen. As a Fire and Cardinal archetype, it is inherently creative, fast, and instinctual, driven to taking risks. Aries lives passionately, making the most out of what is available. - Moon Omen
If you know someone born during Aries season you know these people are fiery. They usually get what they want and rarely back down from the spotlight or a good argument...a lot of them like to think they’re always right too. Though it may be annoying and difficult to deal with at times, these are all good traits to have when cultivating the garden of your life!
The forthrightness and fire of Aries season can help us to eliminate fear and doubt - seeds whose sole purpose is to find its way into our gardens of life and turn them upside down.
It can be so easy to allow fear to dwell in our lives. If meditated on and cultivated, one doubt can uproot months of work. And that's not the results we want! We must be aggressive about plucking those doubts out by the root.
For the last week or so I’ve been putting this into practice by paying real attention to my thoughts. I’ve found a lot of junk in there that needed to be uprooted. So I started praying for myself, removing every toxic thought, and replacing it with one that if spoken out loud would produce something that adds value to what I’m building. I do this without hesitation. Although it’s only been a week, the PEACE OF MIND I have is next level.
This new moon in Aries is essentially the first impression of the zodiac New Year. I want my first impression on this cycle to bring me the harvest I see in my heart.
I encourage you during this first New Moon to look at the things you want to grow and take stock of the things you've grown in the past. Decide what stays and how to keep it going, and decide what needs to be uprooted and remove it immediately. Your words and actions mean everything to what you will produce and what you already have. After that the rest is left up to God's timing.
It is said you’ll see the results of your new moon work in 6 months - when the moon is full in the sign it was new in. The full moon in Aries falls on October 20th.
Take a leap of faith and see what happens. One way or another you’ll reap a harvest. Why not make it the harvest of your dreams ?
😉Happy New 🌑 in Aries ♈️