Gemini Season: 5/22-6/21/2021
Duality on Display

Image: @moonjube - Charmed Tricksters, 5/20/2021
It’s Gemini season. Astrologically speaking the movement of the celestials in our skies is causing a major energy shift that will affect all of us. In preparation for the days ahead I can’t help but think about the spiritual importance of this season.
First let's go over the particulars. Gemini is the 3rd sign of the zodiac. As a mutable ( meaning it’s liable to change ) air sign (thought and communication) this season begins during the last days of spring and ends on the first day of summer.
Gemini is the bridge we cross over to change. This season is a signal for us to wrap up the last of our internal spring cleaning and shift the trajectory of our current thought process. Change is coming and it's inevitable.
Gemini is also the sign of the twins. Some say it denotes the need for relationships. While that is true, for me the twins speak of our personal duality and how the two become one.
In Greek mythology, Gemini is associated with the myth of Castor and Pollux, sons of Zeus and Leda. Leda was the wife of Tyndareus, King of Sparta. One of the versions of this myth states that Leda got seduced or raped by Zeus disguised as a swan on the same night when she shared a bed with her husband. As a result, she hatched two eggs from which four children were born - both mortal and immortal due to their different fathers. Among those children were Castor and Pollux.
Castor was the mortal twin brother, and Pollux was immortal. They never fought and loved each other greatly. Pollux was known for his boxing skills and Castor as a horse tamer. The brothers aspired to marry two women who were already betrothed to two of their cousins. This lead to a family feud, and Castor was fatally wounded by one of the cousins as a consequence. Zeus gave Pollux a choice – spend every day as an immortal on Mount Olympus among the gods, or give half of his immortality to his brother Castor.
He opted for the latter, and the twins shared life and death, by spending a day on Olympus together followed by a day in Hades.
In Christianity, this concept of duality is demonstrated in the life of Jesus Christ. Christ walked with us, teaching us about life and how to rule over our feelings. He over turned tables and put religious leaders in their place, healed the sick on days you were supposed to be chilling, and taught and fed multitudes with 5 fish and a loaf of bread. He drank wine while He hung out with tax collectors and prostitutes all while proclaiming He was the son of God. He was compassionate and fair, truthful and merciful.
He died on the cross never once retaliating against anyone who put Him there in order to fulfill the mission He was sent to complete.
Now in these two very different stories we see a common theme:
Jesus embraced His dual nature as God man, Pollux and Castor became one by sharing their mortal and immortal fate.
Both instances speak to the dual nature in all of us. We are an immortal spirit in a mortal body. Two very different parts of you trying to work together as one.
Pollux gave up his mortality for his brother, making the two brothers essentially one. God the creator of all, gave up his immortality for you, making you one with Him.
During Gemini season remind yourself that you are a spirit too. Remember that your spirit is what truly makes you, you. Give your spirit the things it needs to grow and become strong. Being aware of your spirit is what enables you to endure and master the daily grind of life.
You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Always remember that.
Duality on Display.
♊️ Happy Gemini Season ♊️
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